Wednesday, February 18, 2009 I'm very sorry to all you frequent readers for being MIA the last little bit.  I was on holidays and focusing mainly on our Myspace page (which, if you haven't already, should check out and add us as a friend!)


Here at The Fan Project we are currently working on a few major updates. It may take a while...but we're doing it! (promise!) We will keep you posted!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hello fans! Just letting everybody know that The Fan Project has a myspace page and we are now accepting friend requests! We're hoping that it will spread the word even more! The address is

or simply search "The Fan Project"!



Tuesday, January 13, 2009 

Alright. I need to start by saying all the drama that comes along with running this site can be trying (to say the least), at times. That being said, I want everyone to know that I'm 100% dedicated to HELPING people. Not once have I stated that I know Rob personally or claimed to be him. I want nothing more than to stop the fakes. Some may call me crazy or stupid for trying to do so; but I believe if we work together we CAN stop this.

Another thing...

I have had SOOOOOO much help from so many of you whether it be your stories you've sent in or imposter sites and I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH! This site could not possibly grow the way it has without you. Once again I must state that I will not post direct names when giving credit (it kind of goes against everything this site is about)! Just know that I appreciate your support more than anything and you ARE making a difference!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 

It's come to my attention that the overwhelming fake Robs have become an issue. I can still not make it clear enough that Rob has NO MYSPACE OR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT .  It doesn't matter how legit the site may seem IT IS NOT REAL. I know that you all want to talk to him but you will NOT be able to contact him over the internet. If you would like to send him a fan letter you can send it to either one of these addresses:

Robert Pattinson
c/o Endeavor Agency
Stephanie Ritz
9601 Wilshire Blvd. Floor 3
Beverly Hills, CA 90210


Robert Pattinson
Curtis Brown Group Ltd.
Haymarket House
5th Floor
28-29 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4SP


He does try to answer everyone but it will TAKE TIME. In the mean time, please read through these tips. It will help you better understand how the imposters can seem so legit!

1 - stay away from websites controlled by fans without supervision; this all actually started for us through those links on yahoo answers stating that certain pages were Robert Pattinson's page. People need to stay away from any type of page where fans can write freely without anyone checking for defamation/slander/libel.

2 - the person pretending to be Rob gets pages like yahoo answers/wiki answers and posts "facts" about Rob that are not true. The reason is so that when the fan chats with "Rob" and this "Rob" makes those comments, if the fan chooses to search the answer that "fact" appears online.

3 - do not chat with ANYONE without proof of identification! If Robert Pattinson wants to talk to you then he will have nothing to hide. Keep being persistent! The "Rob" we spoke with mentioned that he couldn't prove himself to us to protect his friends and family. Furthermore, twisted the question back to the fan and made the fan feel guilty for even suggesting it. You are IMPORTANT AND WORTH IT. Don't settle with that answer or feel bad for asking; the posers are taking advantage of your desperation to speak to Robert Pattinson to their advantage. Plus, think about it: if Robert Pattinson wanted to protect his friends and family, he wouldn't be adding strangers on his page to begin with.

4 - posers are now creating fake family/friend pages of Rob so that when a fan is accepted on the page, the person automatically thinks that this must be Rob because he has immediate family and friends on his page. FALSE - most likely his friend/family on his top friends are FAKE too.

5 - Go in it skeptical! This person has done their homework! They have studied the tapes; they have studied the interviews; they will try to live up to this persona we have created in our mind. None of us know Rob; if we did we wouldn’t be trying to chat with him. The person we spoke to was charming, witty, smart, used "British" words, funny, sensitive, took smoke breaks, etc. So be careful, and keep your eyes open.

6 - some of the photos you might see of Rob with "friends" might be actually fans or pictures taken by fans which make them seem original because the photo is not out there on other websites. Also, remember we live in a world of PHOTOSHOP. Lastly, there are websites that on the surface look like someone else’s site but they claim to be Robert Pattinson hiding out; please disregard those as well.

7 - I want to thank his actual friends who have taken the time to help us out and confirm that Rob does not have a page right now (that includes MySpace/Face book/AIM/or a free email account/etc.) We were told he is extremely busy right now, and is not involved in any of this, but is aware of the fake websites.

8 - This is a bit scary, but actual fans are creating multiple accounts where they are being themselves and also playing Rob. So they will know what you are thinking and feeling, and at the same time use that when you are chatting with "Rob" so be careful

I hope this helps. We thought we were smart to never fall for this, and we did. If you are currently chatting with ANYONE alleging to be Rob - it's fake.

Monday, January 5, 2009 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and new years! (I know I gained a few good pounds!)

Just a little reminder....this site isn't only to catch Rob Pattinson posers, it's for EVERY celebrity! Anything you have come across on the internet, send our way!

Once again, thanks for your UNBELIEVABLE support! You guys are awesome!



Wednesday, December 24, 2008 

Major update!!!!

I have received news from an inside source that Rob does NOT have a MySpace or Facebook account. NONE. Anything you find is a fraud!

Happy holidays all!



Monday, December 22, 2008 

Hello loyal fans! I still cannot believe how quickly this site is growing! It is all because of you guys!

Just a small update....

I have received numerous emails about specific Myspace and Facebook accounts. I'm working as quickly as I can to crack them and find out if they are, in fact, legit. For the time being, certain names from the "Your Stories" page have been removed until further notice. The names will be posted once I know.

That little tidbit aside, happy holidays to everyone! I wish you all the best, safe driving and lots of food!



Monday, December 15, 2008

WOW!!! Thank you for the overwhelming response! This site cannot grow without YOUR experiences!  Please keep sending in your questions, comments and stories!

Thanks so much!

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